The person’s face is evaluated in the natural head position. When the face is viewed from the front, the shape, height, midline, presence of asymmetry, lower facial proportions, lips and nose are evaluated. When viewed in profile, the forehead, nose, cheeks, tissues around the nose, lips, nose-lip angle, lip-chin tip curve, chin tip, chin tip are evaluated.
Facial deformities and whether the jaws are in the correct relationship are evaluated with many more detailed clinical measurements, lateral and anteroposterior head radiographs, 3D tomographs. For more detailed and personalized information on this subject, a specialist in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery should be consulted.
Patients who classically have problems with the bite of their teeth may notice the defect in their appearance due to the defect in their profile. The upper or lower jaw is forward or backward. Sometimes there is an asymmetrical appearance when viewed from the opposite side. Some other patients have functional problems such as bite problems, although nothing noticeable in appearance. In both cases, chewing and nutrition problems arise because the teeth do not match exactly.
Orthognathic surgery is a surgical method applied to correct this problem in the jaws and to bring the affected jaws into the appropriate position. It is applied in cases where the jaws are not compatible with each other and the teeth are not compatible with the jaws. The teeth are corrected orthodontically and then the jaws are surgically repositioned. These procedures not only improve the facial appearance, but also ensure the harmony of the teeth with each other and the correct function. In other words, it provides both aesthetic and functional improvement.